Friday, March 23, 2007

Adjustable Beds Promote Natural, Comfortable Sleep

What are the advantages of an adjustable sleep bed over a normal one? Theanswers are multiple. You know, for every problem there's also a solution.That's what an adjustable sleep bed offers for people who suffer from differentconditions or for those who want to prevent those conditions from everhappening.Did it ever happen to you not to be able to sleep at night? The best guess isthat it happened because of your bed. When you are not able to fall asleep, youkeep turning around from one side to another, on your back or on your belly.That's because your body tries to avoid pressure points which reduce the bloodflow and cause you discomfort.Moreover, the traditional bed mattresses are flat, and guess what? That's incontradiction with your spinal alignment. A lot of the traditional backillnesses are made worse by the traditional beds and mattresses.So what's the most natural and comfortable sleeping position? You will probablybe a little bit surprised to find out that it's not at all the traditional onein which a normal bed would make you sleep. The head should be elevated just alittle bit, thus allowing for easier breathing. Even more important seems to bethe knees position, which must be slightly bent over the heart's level. Now thisis the natural sleeping position and you might find it a little strange.But that's the purpose of an adjustable sleep bed, to enable you to sleep in anatural, comfortable position. One of today's most important concerns seems tobe the health issue, and that only seems normal. Eating natural products,practicing sports and other healthy things seem to be more and more on everyperson's agenda.An adjustable sleep bed could also be the answer towards avoiding differentconsequences of unnatural sleeping positions. For example, did you know thatback problems, snoring, shoulder pains, breathing problems, gastric reflux,blood circulation problems, and arthritis could all be the consequences ofunhealthy sleeping habits? In the long run, these could even get aggravated andoffer you some very unpleasant surprises. And it's far better to prevent than totreat.So what does an adjustable sleep bed actually offer? Well, it can be bestdefined as a personalized mattress. Yes, that's right, because you have anadjustable base and a mattress. The mattress needs to perfectly fit over thesleep base. Sleep bases are not all the same, they come in different shapes,sizes and adjusting positions. One thing is certain though. They are far morerecommendable than traditional beds.Now, everything I told you may come as a surprise to some and be old news toothers. One thing is clear though: the traditional bed is hardly the best optionfor sleeping. You know, some may say, Oh, it doesn't really matter, it's justsleeping, it's not important. This is very wrong.Just think about it. A normal adult person has to sleep about 8 hours a day.Depending on each person's constitution, it may also be seven or nine hours aday, but certainly not less than seven. So you will agree with me that everyperson has to spend a third of his or her life sleeping. To me, it sounds verymuch. We all could do better things with that time, but it's a necessity that wecan't be deprived of or else we couldn't function normally. So, if this is thecase, why neglect the way in which we live 33 percent of our lives? Why sleep ina traditional bed when we can sleep in a far more health-oriented adjustablesleep bed?Tips, guidelines and advice on purchasing adustable beds.http://www.adjustablesleepbeds.comMore information on electrical adjustable beds

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hide And Seek: Are You Ingesting Foods Rich In Calcium Or Not?

Weak bones and brittle teeth.Perhaps if not given utmost care,it might develop to osteoporosis or complete destruction ofteeth. You will prevent further damage to your bones and teeth if youwill only be well informed of the foods that might help youmaintain good bones and teeth. One way is to ingest foods richin calcium. Calcium is needed by the body due to the following reasons: . During pregnancy, it helps proper formation of bones andteeth of the baby. . With proper calcium intake, it keeps your muscles to functionwell. . It prevents or aids possible emergence of blood clotting. . Nerve impulses are transmitted properly with the help ofcalcium. The above-mentioned benefit of calcium promotes a healthy wellbeing. To achieve a fit and nourishing diet, you need to bewell knowledgeable of the foods that will help you obtain yourgoal. Foods rich in calcium are one of those. Foods rich in calcium can be classified into two groups. Thefirst group is under the dairy products category. Milk and milk products are major sources of dairy products. Youare aware that a woman has the capability to produce milk, whichis highly nutritious for her newborn infant. Furthermore, adultscan obtain milk from secretion of female animals such as goats,cows, sheep and other farm animals. You can consume thesecreted milk of female farm animals. Another option to have sufficient supply of milk is throughingesting milk products. Cheese and butter are good milkproducts. Other essential milk products are the following: . Yogurt . Ice cream . Nonfat, condensed and evaporated milk Non-dairy products are the second group category for foods richin calcium. However, not all non-dairy products can give yousignificant amount of calcium that your body needs. Somenoteworthy non-dairy products are: . Spinach . Broccoli . Sardines . Salmon . Tofu Ready-to-eat items such as pizza, instant oatmeal, macaroni andcheese, breads and cereals also contain calcium. Indeed if you eat foods rich in calcium it is most likely thatyou will obtain good bones and teeth as well as healthywell-being. On the other hand, too much calcium intake can alsocause harm. Henceforth, it is recommended that you updateyourself with the suggested servings of food before you indulgeinto it. It is best to consult a nutritionist or dieticianregarding this matter.About The Author: This content is provided by Low Jeremy. Itmay be used only in its entirety with all links included. Formore information on calcium, please visit

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Eating For Health And Efficiency

Errors in diet are very largely responsible for the majority ofthe chronic ailments which afflict the civilized portions of thehuman race. This is particularly true of maladies which affectthe alimentary canal. It naturally follows that the adoption ofa biologic diet is of first importance in any serious attempt tocure patients suffering from disorders of nutrition. The following simple rules if faithfully followed should enablea patient who has changed his flora and gotten a new start inlife by the aid of the fruit regimen and the milk regimen, tomaintain and greatly add to the improvement which he hassecured by the aid of these specific regimens. 1. Eat only natural foods; that is, those which are naturallyadapted to the human constitution. The natural dietary includesfruits, nuts, cooked grains, legumes, and vegetables. Naturalfoods impart to the body the greatest amount of energy, andmaintain normal conditions of life. No animals but scavengersand men eat everything. 2. Avoid meats of all sorts (flesh, fowl, fish, including "seafood"). These are unnatural foods. They are all likely tocontain parasites of various kinds, and countless numbers ofnoxious germs. "Meat bacteria" or "wild germs," which infectthe intestines, cause putrefaction and other poison-formingprocesses, and inoculate the body with colitis and many otherdiseases. These germs are not destroyed by ordinary cooking,such as stewing, broiling, frying, and roasting. 3. Take care to avoid an excess of protein; that is, thealbuminous element which is represented by lean meat, the whiteof eggs, and the curd of milk. An excess of protein promotesputrefaction, and thus intestinal autointoxication, the chiefcause of "biliousness," colitis, appendicitis, gall-stones,arteriosclerosis, possibly cancer, Bright's disease, andpremature old age. Ordinary bread contains a sufficient amountof protein, as do also other cereals. Most nuts, also ripe peasand beans, contain an excess of protein. 4. Eggs should be eaten in great moderation, if at all. Theyencourage autointoxication, and thus often cause "biliousness."The yolk of the egg is more wholesome than the white. Eggs andeven milk as well as meat may be discarded if nuts are eaten. 5. Such animal fats as lard, suet, and ordinary butter, shouldbe avoided. They are difficult of digestion, and promoteintestinal auto-intoxication, and thus cause "biliousness."Vegetable fats are more easily digestible, and do not encourageintestinal autointoxication. Butter must be perfectly sweet, andshould be made from certified or sterilized cream.About The Author: For more tips on eating for health, pleasevisit the following url: